SecureData RM-1-License One Year Remote Management Subscription


SecureData RM-1-LICENSE

One year remote management license subscription


Secure Drive Management via Web Console

Remote Management (RM) enforces the following IT security policies:
  • Where and when drives allowed to be used
  • Wipe drives or disable access
  • Remotely unlock/force password reset
  • Track and manage multiple drives on one account
Key Features
  • Remote access to drives via cloud-based console
  • Admin can view Access Log to see when a drive was successfully used
  • Geo-fencing to restrict drive use within geographic parameters set by Admin
  • Time-fencing to restrict drive use within start and stop times set by Admin
  • Remote wiping
  • Free SecureData Lock® mobile app to activate drives
  • Software-free
SecureDrive® BT – Hardware Encrypted External Portable Drive
SecureUSB® BT – Hardware Encrypted USB Flash Drive
Completely Software-Free
SecureData Lock® Remote Management can be added to any SecureDrive BT or SecureUSB BT drive at any time after purchase. The Remote Management console allows Admin to take full control of where and when the drive can be unlocked, as well as the ability to remotely wipe the data and disable access even if the user has a drive PIN.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Unique dual factor authentication method via user account and drive PIN/password combination. Each user must have their own username and password in order for the server to first validate them. Once validated, the user must then also use the PIN on the device in order for it to unlock.
Note: your drive remains locked and invisible to the computer until it is unlocked.
Geo-Fencing—Allows Restricting Geolocations
The Admin for the account can limit access for the user by any of the following: continent, country, state, city, zip code, or address. Once the location is set the geo-fencing is completed by selecting the radius in kilometers/miles, which marks the maximum distance from the location the user can be in order to access the drive.
Time-Fencing—Allows Restricting Which Hours Used
The Admin for the account can limit access for the user by setting time limitations with specific start and end times within any time zone.
User Logging and Reporting
Each login is monitored and saved to show if the attempt was a success as well as the exact coordinates of the user.